Candidates’ Visions and How They Will Affect Small Businesses

Democrat vs. RepublicansRunning a small business, as the saying goes, “ain’t what it used to be”. Government compliance has become more strict (or is rumored to be heading in that direction), the soft economy continues to eat into your profit margin (if not threatening your very survival) and H.R. issues seem to continuously pose new challenges. The fact that it’s an election year further complicates the task of painlessly navigating the small business landscape. Why? Because political candidates, and by extension, their respective parties, vie for your vote by making promises they believe you, the small business owner, want to hear. Of course, only time will tell whether the reality of passing legislation will result in any of those promises coming to fruition.

So what is a SMB owner to do? Well, tempting as it may be to rely on sources you trust in print, on television or on the internet, depending solely on the opinion of others is just not smart business. Perhaps more than ever, now is the time to rely on someone you can trust (i.e., yourself) to do the research into the positions of the candidates/their parties as they relate to and potentially effect small businesses like yours.

You would be well-served to adequately research what each candidate’s vision is for health care, what their regulatory schemes and government compliance priorities are and where they stand on government spending and raising revenue, to name a few. And, by “adequately research” we mean turn to independent, non-partisan sources rather than those from just one side of the political divide who clearly have a partisan agenda. Otherwise, you’re not really informed, you’re simply indoctrinated.

For a list of some non-partisan information sources, read our complete article on the candidates’ views & how you may be affected.

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